The falls are a sight to behold and definitely worth the trip.

You can even take a boat through the mist in order to climb a large rock and see the falls up close. Although I would recommend wearing rain gear if you decide upon that route!

After we walked through the Rheinfall Park, we had a lackluster lunch at one of the two restaurants located immediately next to the falls.
Then we headed to the nearby city of Schaffhausen...

The canton of Schaffhausen is an oddly-shaped bit of land that juts into Germany. An unfortunate geographic fact during World War II when Schaffhausen became the only Swiss city to be bombed by Allied Forces on April 1, 1944. Pilots claimed it was a mistake as the city lies north of the Rhein, which is generally the border between Switzerland and Germany. However, they made the same mistake again on February 22, 1945. Opps.
By 1045 Scafhusen was a thriving market town. It grew rapidly during the 13th and 14th centuries. In 1415 the city, which had come to be called Schaffhausen, was granted Free City status and joined the Swiss Confederation in 1501.

Schaffhausen is known for its ornate oriel windows...

And the murals on many of the façades..

After meandering through the city center, we climbed the hill to Munot, a Medieval fortress which towers over the city.

And what a climb it was!

Once we got to the top of the hill, we continued to climb through the keep to the tower.
But the views are more than worth the effort...

As are the details such as this stained glass window...

We both greatly enjoyed our trip to Rheinfall and Schaffhausen.
We've also decided that we will continue to do these quick trips on Sunday afternoons. Because the shops are closed, it tends to be a quieter day with less people to get in our way. (I like people individually. Just not all in one mass.) The museums are usually open on Sundays, so no problem there.
Plus, I hate shopping anyway!
I totally agree about doing this on sundays! There is so much to see in Switzerland and it takes not too much time to get there!
I'm glad you saw rheinfalls. I can recommend a great Greek food place too.. I'll have to find the card for exact location if you'd like to go into Germany. It's closer to Baden and up than Schaffhausen...
I think this is one of the reasons why I miss Switzerland so much. The buildings and castles! We have places to visit here for course but most of it costs money!
one rather odd question - how do you attach all of those photos? From your own photo account?
Just curious...
Well GL how do you attach all the photos expat traveler and I are very interested. And while your at it how come most I can zoom but some not. Case in point only 2 could be zoomed today. Usually only the fist photo can not be zoomed but the rest can. Are you hoping that I find no more dishes!!
When I am writing the post there is an icon that looks like a picture. I click on it and am able to browse through my computer to find the photo I want to post.
One note: it has to be rather smallish otherwise it won't go into the blog.
And I have no idea why some can be enlarged and some cannot.
Loved your photos of Schaffhausen - I was there 2 years ago visiting friends who live there - I would also recommend a trip down the Rhine to the little village of Stein am Rhein! It was one of my favourite things!
Looks lovely!
Photos: I haven't had a problem with loading larger photos. I think Blogger uploads them full size, then scales them down for viewing depending on whether you specify small/medium/large. But after you click on them, you should get the full-sized image.
To manage the photos, you can use Picasa. There's a limit to how much storage you get for free, but I don't recall what it is offhand.
The windows really are lovely. Glad you guys had fun - you put our weekends to shame!
how odd - I usually can only get 4 into blogger as many other people say also...
Then I usuallly just go into flickr anyways..
Great photos, thanks for the reply.
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