At least the incident that required the care of the vet, as opposed to the incident in which he ate the chocolate truffle. Or the incident in which he jumped behind the clothes dryer and got stuck. Or the incident in which I happened upon him eating as much dryer lint as he could before I caught him. Or even the incident...
Well, you get the point.
When I opened up the bill I started to laugh and handed it to GLH, who immediately shouted with laughter so loud I was concerned our Swiss neighbors would call the Kantonal Polizei.
Our new vet definitely has a sense of humor. As evidenced by the fact that he slightly changed Max's name:

Yep, Max can make quite an impression.
I like your vet. That is so funny.
If I were closer to Zurich, I'd bring my cat there. Not that he's a trouble maker, but just to see what the vet would write on the bill. Too funny!
"Rechnung." Is that Swiss German for "reckoning"? heh. What's "trouble maker" in German? Maybe Max needs an alias.
Ha! That's great.
He is such a little sweetie!
Oh gosh, I had forgotten I was reading about a cat until I clicked the link to the actual incident! Your cat has a dog's soul for sure.
We had a cat when I was growing up who ate telephone cords (just the curly kind, not the straight parts) and had to have surgery to remove them. It was actually life threatening!
Max is indeed a very special kitty. Tell him hi for me and Spike:)
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