27 February 2007

Barter and Trade

Today some of the Bloggy Hausfraus met for lunch at one of the member's townhouse. (Thanks, A!)

After a wonderful lunch of quiche and salad with some decadent chocolate treats as dessert, we hatched an idea...

A's husband has a small brewery in the basement. Trust me when I use the word "brewery" because this is definitely more than the typical home-brewing set-up!

He has just added a new, larger brew pot and is trying to set up a computer to automat the beer brewing process. But he could use some help.

As it so happens, L and I have husbands with a background in IT.

So here is the plan...

We brought some sample beers home for the husbands to whet their appetite. Once they fall in love with the free beer, we will explain that there is more where that came from. So long as they help the guy set up the computer.

That way, we can all spend a Sunday afternoon chatting with each other, or watching chick flicks, while our husbands are all downstairs dealing with the computer and brewing.

Yeah, I think they'll go for it.

And I am just thankful this is one gadget we do not have room for in our apartment!


GL'sD said...

What no takers yet??

Global Librarian said...

GLH is totally onboard with the plan.

Anonymous said...

Shocking GLH onboard with a plan that includes being able to fidget with gadgets AND get free beer. WOW I don't know if I can work today, I am just too shocked.

Anonymous said...

GLH Here - It sounds like a great cause and could lead to better beer for all of canton Zürich. That's why I'm on-board. One question though. GL, love, why did my friend IC get 4 beers and I only got 2?

GL'sD said...

GLH - thats the way things work. I told you that right after the wedding. Don't you remember???