Regular readers have likely noticed a lack of postings of late.
There is a reason for it.
And here he is...

He has also started the teething process in ernest. Which means he is not always the happy, smiling baby he once was. Sometimes he screams. A lot. It keeps his Mama busy!
And although he once happily slept through the night, those days seem to be gone. I know it is just the current stage. But when one feels as if they are constantly sleep-walking and can barely lift their head, it's easy to feel it will last forever.
But over all, Global Baby is doing well. He's just making it more complicated for his Mama to post blog updates! Especially since this is a secondary blog to our family and friends who demand regular updates or the guilt trips for living so far away with our baby come more frequently. The Baby Blog is a private one and that, along with quick Facebook updates, is where we are focusing our time when it comes to internet use.
But no worries! Our travels are about to begin again. Yes, after several months of no traveling, we are headed back to San Antonio to finalize the adoption. Then we are meeting family and friends in Florida for a week long Celebratory Caribbean Cruise. We leave the end of March.
And surely one of these days Global Baby will start sleeping/napping on a predictable schedule.
If you have any personal stories that may be evidence to the contrary regarding babies and predictable sleep times -- please keep them to yourself. I'd rather keep the fantasy alive, thank you very much!
another trip sounds all so exciting, along with a cruise... Yeah! I hope the teething stage takes its course quickly for you!
I love this photo of GB - he is darling.
Haven't dropped in for a while. GB looks so grown up and very cute.
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