We're off to Bern on Friday morning to renew Global Baby's passport.
Usually a child's passport is good for 5 years. Due to the adoption, GB's passport expires after 1 year. We have to take the adoption decree and the new birth certificate to prove the adoption has been finalized.
We also, of course, have to bring an updated photo. Here are the best results from the photo shoot earlier today.

We're hoping it will be accepted. Having it done professionally is not a good option. Someone has entered into Separation Anxiety/Fear of Strangers Phase. Pretty sure a professional photo shoot would not go well!
We took Donovan's photo ourselves, the background was a pillow with texture on it which I think was technically a no-no but they seemed ok with it. This one looks about spot-on. Good luck! = )
Goodness, I hope so. It took us about 70 shots to get this one! We have a lot of passport photos of the side of his face, or his chin or the top of his head. Or with his hands in his mouth. Or grinning too much. Or eyes closed.
Well, you get the idea. As I said, the passport photo at 1 week old was A LOT easier to take. Thank goodness we shouldn't have to take another one until he is 5. They can be reasoned with at 5. Or at least bribed.
I'd say check first if it's ok for his mouth to be open. They can be a pain when it comes to those tiny details. Hope it goes well!!
They do tend to be somewhat less picky with a baby. They understand how hard it is to get those shots.
And let's face it, he isn't likely to become a terrorist or an international smuggler by the time he's five and it needs to be renewed again.
I'd be royally pissed off if it was not accepted because of his lips. It's not like you could tell him to close his mouth and he'd do it for you... Well at least I don't think he would... 8 months already.. Time is flying!
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