We made a quick trip up to Germany over the weekend.
Our primary goal was to pick up US infant formula, Infant Tylenol and Infant Motrin. We've got a friend connected with the US military, so we went on base to do a bit of shopping. American groceries at American dollars -- and no worries about packing them in luggage for a flight. Woo hoo!
We also picked up a Baby Einstein Exer-Saucer, which our friend's toddler had outgrown.
Global Baby loves it!

Wow - he is growing so fast and I am so amazed at what he can do.. That is one great saucer!
Nicholas in his "office". Very busy, lots of work to be done.
Haven't dropped in for a while, so am amazed by the wonderbabe!
As much as I totally get the European preference for high-quality wooden toys over American plastic toys, Exersaucers are a big exception. Seemingly every expat with a baby in Basel was on the prowl to try to find one, and it was a very happy day when we finally found one for sale online.
I remember when he was small and fragile. WOW!
I love you and miss you all!
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