GLH headed for Kansas City and business meetings. I headed for Minnesota.
I managed to see all of my immediate family including all in-laws and nieces. No small feat given the size of my family! Three sisters, one brother, three in-laws and three nieces. And I even had time left over to see two friends from high school.
And, of course, there was shopping. I have now lost a bit more than 40 pounds since moving to Switzerland and I am undergrowing all of my clothing. I consistently have "nothing to wear."
Unfortunately purchasing clothing in Europe is not easy for me. At 5'11" (180 centimeters) I am even considered tall by American standards. And to date I have not yet found a good tall clothing shop here. Clothing here is expensive enough as is, getting tailor-made items seems excessive.
Minnesota is a great place for me to shop because not only is it one of the few places in the world where I am not taller than every other women in sight (so the stores stock taller clothing accordingly), but they do not charge sales tax on clothes.
And shop I did. Including purchasing this fabulous, new winter coat...

As I was leaving the Minnespolis airport I snapped a picture of Minnesota's latest tourist attraction.

Since it is a men's restroom I could only get a picture of it from the outside.
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is THAT restroom. You know the one. It has been featured in multiple news articles over the last few months...
Congrats on the weight loss :)
Um.... But, I think you made a small calculation error. I'm 5'5" and that's 165cm. You should be 180cm at 5'11". Here's a good link for conversions, although you should remember to use decimals when mixing feet and inches.
BTW, I would suggest a long weekend in Holland where you might be luckier with clothing for tall women (incl Sunday shopping an bigger cities) and lovely beaches (shops there, too) to walk along, especially at this time of year (I hear you're not a fan of hot weather)
CS - Thanks for the correction.
And I had hoped that I would find more clothing options in the Scandinavian countries. After all, it is from my Scandinavian ancestors that I get my height. But I was disappointed in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
I'll try Amsterdam sometime. We have meant to go there anyway. Although I suspect that I shall find myself in Minnesota far more often than in Holland!
I totally know what you mean! I can't find shoes anywhere but in California and I walk so much here in Vancouver. I find shoes once in a blue moon and I wear them out far too quickly!
By the way, congrats on the weight loss. I loved that part of moving to Switzerland also. I've managed to gain about 12 lbs over the 3 years plus since I've been back.
I was in J.Jill yesterday and flipping through the catalog and saw your lovely coat. I think I'll have a problem shopping in Switzerland because I'm short, but not skinny. I'm not counting on losing weight, but hoping the car free and expensive food lifestyle will help.
Debbie - be very careful when you move here. Most expats gain weight when they move to Switzerland. Losing weight can be atypical. While there is a lot more walking and the food is very expensive, it is also a cheese-based culture with a hunk of meat on the side!
My weight loss is actually due to another situation. The year before I moved here I had a medical situation. The medication I was precsribed caused me to gain approximately 70 pounds. I have now lost 40 pounds and have 30 more to lose to get back to "normal."
Hubby has trouble finding shoes. He's a size 11.5 in the US. Seems you'd be able to find that here since other European males seem to be tall and would likely have bigger feet... but no.
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