06 November 2007


Recently I read an interesting article about Facebook. So I decided, what the heck, I'll give it a whirl.

Yesterday I spent some time signing up for a new account. And I've got to say, it appears to be an even bigger way to waste a whole lot of time than even MySpace.

I only continue to belong to MySpace because I have a couple of longtime, real-life friends who insist upon using it. I expect Facebook will eventually go the same direction for me. Both of them seem to be an extremely cluttered place where people end up with rather unattractive and disjointed profile pages.

I am definitely a Blogger. I like that you can make it look prettier and that it is much more linear and organized.

What do others think of these networking sites?


Jul said...

Yup, total waste of time. Although LinkedIn did help Scott find his job in Zurich...

PS - you've been poked.

Global Librarian said...

I've been "poked?" Good Lord, I don't even know what that means!

But I did bite you in order to turn you into a vampire. Will you be one of my minions? I don't have any yet...

Marcy said...

I recently joined facebook, after being on myspace for a while, and I have to say I like FB a lot better. But maybe that's b/c I have more friens on there that are active with their accounts...

A Librarian said...

I love it all. I especially like Facebook because my sister and I play on there. Poking is particularly fun especially since we both text each other at about the same moment to say that we are going to "tell Mom". We get much sillier on there than on myspace or regular email. I think the secret is to just go into it expecting to have fun.

Unknown said...

I totally agree, big waste of time. I usually only go on there when I get some email and facebook is so hard to figure out.

I much prefer hand coding and blogging because it's easier! lol.

But the linked in - I like that site, not too into it since they make you pay to really go further, unless you know email addresses right off..

Poked is probably the linked-in (or it's facebook) logo for being alerted someone knows you.

Anonymous said...

What is hand coding?

kevin 1809 said...

Hand coding?,Is it hand-make HTML