27 February 2009

Desperate Times?

RyanAir, the Irish discount airline, is going to start charging people to use the restrooms on the planes.


How much lower can the airline industry sink?



Anonymous said...

Say whut!??

DrSpouse said...

I can believe it of Ryanair - aren't they the ones who charged people for wheelchairs?

Expat mum said...

We're going backwards. In England when I grew up, almost all the public toilets had a coin slot on the door!

rswb said...

It's just a possibility, not something that's all set to be introduced.

Unknown said...

Um sorry - I don't have any money on me - should I just go in the isle then???? Yeah I can just imagine the mess... If they are that bad, why not charge an extra $1 in the plane ticket!

The Big Finn said...

I read about this in the Herald Tribune, and my first thought was:

Would there be a time limit?

I mean...
Could I just pay a pound and then sit in the toilet for the entire flight so that I'd get my money's worth? Why not?

J said...

From what I've read, someone on the top (dunno who) only mentioned it - it wasn't even being considered yet.